Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Some observations so far - Posted by Darin

Sorry I haven't been updating the journal much. There's no time when I'm at work, and before our shipment came, Maggie usually hogged her laptop at night with emails in Afrikaans. Now that I have my personal laptop at home, there should be more time for me to contribute.
Two things that I have never said so far:

"Wow, it's a beautiful day. I think I'll take off early today" (it's always hot and humid)
"What am I going to do with all of these napkins?" (food courts have no napkins here)

Other observations:

Many of the local and commuter buses have digital satellite television (one channel). I've seen AsiaNet news (similar to CNN) and Singapore Idol (exactly the same as American Idol) while riding on the bus.

Lots of public service signs encouraging good behavior, but they never use the word "you". It's always "us" and "we". For example, "Public toilets can be clean. We can make a difference".

We have VOIP phones at work. I can take my phone from my desk to a team room and plug it in. After it boots, I can make and receive calls just like I'm at my desk. Haven't tried it from home. Yet.

Our apartment has a washer/dryer that's all one unit, but there's no vent for the dryer part. Don't know how well this will work. The spin cycle is broken so we haven't done any laundry yet.

At restaurants, they never bring the check until you ask for it. When they bring the bill, they wait right there for you to give your form of payment. If you pay with a credit card, they stand over you while you sign it, instead of just leaving it on the table.

At a bar near our apartment, the price of beer changes depending on the time of day. It's cheapest at lunch time, and most expensive after 8pm.

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