Recently went on an off-the-beaten-path adventure in the jungles of Malaysia. We took a bus from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur. The bus ride itself was part of the adventure, because we booked on an "executive coach" promising personal entertainment sets, massaging chairs, food & beverage services and leather seats. Sounds glamorous, no? Well, not really. When you wipe the arm rest of the seat with an antiseptic cloth, a lighter streak reveals that the seat is actually totally covered in grime. You cannot feel the "massage" either because the bus itself vibrates/rattles so much. The food was slightly worse than airplane food, and in order to enjoy the entertainment system you need bring your own headset (because you won't want to use the ones they provide)! Anyway, still faster and cheaper than any airline, so we endured the 5 hour ride in anticipation of a relaxing weekend in the jungle.
In KL, we rented a car from Hertz - a locally manufactured car called a Proton Waja. Not too bad considering the jalopy of a taxi we rode to get from the bus stop to the rental place. I got a bit nervous about the stickers on the dashboard that were a dead-giveaway that this was a rental, and therefore a potential prime target for thiefs and crooks. Darin did a great job of driving through the mad and very confusing traffic of KL at rush hour on a Friday where they tend to change the directions of lanes as needed. Of course, you cannot see this on a map, so a two way street suddenly turns into a one-way street and before you know it, you are jam-packed and stuck in traffic with thousands of devotees on their way to prayers at the mosque.
We drove about an hour north of KL to a little tiny town called Serendah. From there, we took a few (very scenic) meandering dirt roads into the boonies, past 2 Orang Asli villages to the retreat in the jungle. The Orang Asli are the indigenous minority peoples of Peninsular Malaysia. The name is a Malay term which means 'original man' or 'first peoples.' (Incidentally, Orangutan is a Malay word, and means "man from the forest"). They (the Orang Asli, not the Orangutans) still live in simple, often delapidated shacks with no sign of electricity or facilities such as toilets or running water.
Two little scruffy looking boys standing by the side of the road, surprised us by throwing a big rock at our car as we slowly drove by. We didn't stop, but we heard the father shouting loudly at them as we drove off in shock. I am sure the got in trouble, but luckily our Proton wasn't damaged.

We had a great time just getting away from it all, cooking food on an open fire, listening to the sounds of the jungle, catching up on napping and reading, and being awakened at dawn by the sunlight pouring in through the glass walls.
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AVCWare Blu Ray Ripper can convert Blu Ray discs to various High-Definition videos like H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AVCHD Video (*.m2ts, *.mts), Apple TV h.264 720P, MKV, HD WMV, MPEG2/MPEG-4 TS HD Video and so on, to AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, FLV and suchlike Standard-Definition video files for playback on iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Xbox, Zune, NDS, Wii, mobile phone, PMP, or other multimedia devices.
From the picture above, you can see that the Blu Ray Ripper's interface is very cool. However, the functions are very clearly arranged.
As to the functions, AVCWare Blu Ray Ripper is much like the DVD Rippers.
Just look at the red circle:
The Blu Ray Ripper supports editing video effects including cropping video screen size, adjusting saturation/brightness/contrast, adding artistic effect, changing subtitle color/position, and adding picture/text watermark. It supports merging several clips into one video and clipping one video into segments. The Blu Ray software enables users change the output parameter settings. Users also can conserve CPU resources by letting this Blu Ray software run in the background. This Blu Ray Ripper provides the function of choosing after down actions.
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As functional Blu Ray software, this Blu Ray Ripper supports nearly all popular formats, look at the picture below:
Well, how to rip Blu Ray movies with the functional Blu Ray software - AVCWare Blu Ray Ripper?
Just follow a few steps to rip Blu Ray.
Step 1: Add Blu Ray discs folder;
Step 2: Merge video segments or trim videos;
Step 3: Edit video effects of the Blu Ray movies;
Step 4: Choose the output format and set some settings before starting to rip Blu Ray movies;
Step 5: Click the convert button to start to rip Blu Ray.
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