I once said there is no such thing as a nice day in Singapore, but that's not completely true. There have been a couple of days where the sky was blue, clouds were white and fluffy, and there was enough of a breeze to keep you comfortable is you stayed in the shade. Today was one of those days.
We visited a nature reserve that is anchored by a large reservoir: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/nparks_cms/display_level2.asp?parkid=8&catid=9
We arrived around 2pm and walked for two hours through the rainforest to see the Tree Top Walk, which is marketed as a "canopy tour" but is more like a suspension bridge across a valley.
When you first enter the park, you walk past the main part of the reservoir:
The walk through the rainforest was nice and shady, with lots of strange sounds and interesting looking trees. We saw the largest bamboo stalks imaginable. Probably six inches across and 50 feet long.
At one point Maggie thought she heard something in the dense undergrowth along the path. She screamed and jumped to my side, when she realized it was a monkey looking at her from about three feet away.
As we paused to look at the monkey, we were literally surrounded by about five other monkeys who suddenly appeared from out of nowhere. Maggie freaked out, certain that we would be attacked by the monkey who were rapidly invading our personal space. I was too excited to be scared. They were very small monkeys and they seemed more curious than angry or hungry. There was even a momma monkey with a little baby held close to her chest.
Maggie was clinging to me, dancing around, and loudly announcing that she was "skaid". I was torn between shooing the monkeys away and trying to reason with Maggie that we were perfectly safe. Luckily, at that very instant, a "local" came jogging along the path and clapped his hands several times to shoo the monkeys away. After the jogger passes, only about three monkeys came very close to us, and only one was close enough to touch. He was very carefree. He sat in the middle of the path and groomed himself, yawning and stretching.
He didn't even care when I walked behind him so Maggie could take a picture of us together.
The "canopy tour" is a suspension bridge, where you are only allowed to walk in one direction. A guard at the end of the bridge prevents you from walking the wrong way.
The section of the trail that leads to and from the suspension bridge is made from nice decking, and is sponsored by a popular bank in Singapore, HSBC.
While walking away from the reserve and looking for a taxi to take us somewhere with cold beer, we ran across some bushes with the biggest leaves I've ever seen.
It was a great trip to the nature reserve, topped off by some mediocre tex-mex in Holland Village and a refreshing swim in the pool at our housing complex.
We visited a nature reserve that is anchored by a large reservoir: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/nparks_cms/display_level2.asp?parkid=8&catid=9
We arrived around 2pm and walked for two hours through the rainforest to see the Tree Top Walk, which is marketed as a "canopy tour" but is more like a suspension bridge across a valley.
When you first enter the park, you walk past the main part of the reservoir:
The walk through the rainforest was nice and shady, with lots of strange sounds and interesting looking trees. We saw the largest bamboo stalks imaginable. Probably six inches across and 50 feet long.

At one point Maggie thought she heard something in the dense undergrowth along the path. She screamed and jumped to my side, when she realized it was a monkey looking at her from about three feet away.
As we paused to look at the monkey, we were literally surrounded by about five other monkeys who suddenly appeared from out of nowhere. Maggie freaked out, certain that we would be attacked by the monkey who were rapidly invading our personal space. I was too excited to be scared. They were very small monkeys and they seemed more curious than angry or hungry. There was even a momma monkey with a little baby held close to her chest.
Maggie was clinging to me, dancing around, and loudly announcing that she was "skaid". I was torn between shooing the monkeys away and trying to reason with Maggie that we were perfectly safe. Luckily, at that very instant, a "local" came jogging along the path and clapped his hands several times to shoo the monkeys away. After the jogger passes, only about three monkeys came very close to us, and only one was close enough to touch. He was very carefree. He sat in the middle of the path and groomed himself, yawning and stretching.
He didn't even care when I walked behind him so Maggie could take a picture of us together.
The "canopy tour" is a suspension bridge, where you are only allowed to walk in one direction. A guard at the end of the bridge prevents you from walking the wrong way.
The section of the trail that leads to and from the suspension bridge is made from nice decking, and is sponsored by a popular bank in Singapore, HSBC.
While walking away from the reserve and looking for a taxi to take us somewhere with cold beer, we ran across some bushes with the biggest leaves I've ever seen.
It was a great trip to the nature reserve, topped off by some mediocre tex-mex in Holland Village and a refreshing swim in the pool at our housing complex.
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